A couple weeks ago I was out of town for an Acts 29 conference. The first day, we checked in to our hotel and had a few hours to ourselves. At some point I decided to go explore what I could surrounding the hotel. Exiting the rear doors was an impressive courtyard completely devoid of people. Beyond the courtyard gate was an extended area of pavers sandwiched between the backside of retail buildings on one side and a fenced off pond on the other. Once again, absolutely no one in sight. There was not a single person there but me. There was, however, a carousel about a hundred yards ahead. Why was there a carousel here?

Getting closer, I realized the lights were actually on and there was music emanating from it. Yes, there was music playing and lights ablaze on a functional carousel… but no people. It felt like the definite start of a horror movie.

Carousels without people are creepy. But all it takes is some people and suddenly carousels are joyful and lively.

While I hope the plans and work put into starting Beloved Church are not creepy, it is time to start adding people. A church without people is actually not even possible. The church is the people, and I cannot wait to see the people come together!

This Saturday is the first time we will get to see people come together as Beloved Church gets started. We will enjoy breakfast, laugh together, sing together, pray together, and dream of what Jesus is calling us to.

In anticipation, we hope that you will join us in praying. Pray that God will bring together those He desires to build this church. Pray that God will do what only God can do. Pray that we will faithfully lift the name of Jesus from day one. Pray for those that we will introduce to Jesus and His gospel for the first time. We also ask that you consider fasting with us in the next couple of days. Consider fasting from a meal, social media, or some other regular element of your day so that you can spend that time seeking God and praying for Beloved Church.

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.

For Him,