Continue the Conversation

Only so much can be learned from an hour-long setting and in the lecture style of a typical Sunday sermon. Greater learning tends to come through dialogue and in settings like homes, coffee-shops, walks down the trail, etc. Use this as a guide to go deeper! This is a great way for Home Groups, Discipline Practicing Partners, or even individuals to learn and grow more through further considerations, questions to meditate on or discuss, and applications to put into practice.

1 Peter 4:1-6 YOLO is a popular phrase today—’You only live once.’ While this is true, its interpretation differs for the world and for believers. For the world, yolo means to live for immediate pleasure, prioritizing personal satisfaction over everything else. For the Christian, however, the understanding that we have a limited time on this earth drives us in a […]

1 Peter 4:1-6 Read More »

1 Peter 3:1-7 This week’s passage is both familiar and controversial. In modern society, calling for a wife to be submissive to her husband can be a challenging message. This passage has also been abused by men in the past in order to subjugate women. Peter’s purpose here is not to demean women or elevate men. In keeping with

1 Peter 3:1-7 Read More »