Continue the Conversation

Only so much can be learned from an hour-long setting and in the lecture style of a typical Sunday sermon. Greater learning tends to come through dialogue and in settings like homes, coffee-shops, walks down the trail, etc. Use this as a guide to go deeper! This is a great way for Home Groups, Discipline Practicing Partners, or even individuals to learn and grow more through further considerations, questions to meditate on or discuss, and applications to put into practice.


“Love” is an overused and misunderstood word in modern English. We say we love a certain fast-food restaurant, a puppy, and our family all using the same word. Love is not affection, attraction or butterflies in our stomachs. “Like” is a warm feeling and “lust” is a strong emotional or physical craving. If we want […]

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Be Known

BE KNOWN Intimacy is a misunderstood word in modern culture. Authentic intimacy is being known without barriers. In the garden of Eden, God walked with Adam and Eve. They were naked and unashamed. When they sinned, they hid behind bushes, thinking God would not see them. Even in their sin God made provision for their

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BELONG We as humans are hardwired to belong to something. We want to be a part of families, teams, friend groups and workplaces. It feels terrible to be around a group of people and not be included. Sometimes this desire to belong motivates us to change ourselves to “fit in”. Through our actions, dress, language

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