

Scripture describes the role of elder, pastor, bishop and overseer as the same position. These terms are used interchangeably, and this is why we too use the terms pastor/elder synonymously. The qualifications of elders include ensuring he is of high moral character, spiritual maturity, and adept in leadership and teaching. (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9)

Our elders are to lead and shepherd the church by preaching and teaching the Word, protecting the church against false teachers or doctrine, admonishing and exhorting the church with sound doctrine, praying, visiting the sick, and overseeing the ministries of the church. These responsibilities include keeping each other accountable as elders. We see a plurality of elders used in scripture, which is why our elders/pastors share leadership at Beloved. (Acts 20:28-35; Titus 1:9; 1 Peter 5:1-2)


Kevin Franklin
Pastor (Full-Time)
Teaching & Vision


Reggie Mangal
Pastor (Full-Time)
Worship & Students


Alex Bangle
Pastor (Non-Staff)
Executive & Production


Chris Nite
Pastor (Non-Staff)
Outreach & Missions


Josh Englert
Pastor (Non-Staff)
Care & Finance

Scott Homan

Scott Homan
Pastor (Non-Staff)
Kids & Facilities

Tim VanderMey

Tim VanderMey
Pastor (Non-Staff)
Home Groups


Scripture speaks clearly to the qualifications of being a deacon in Christ's church - qualities of wisdom, Spirit-empowerment and reliance, maturity in Christ demonstrated in life and disciplines, and a humble heart to serve. (1 Timothy 3:8-13)

Deacons serve the church in various ways to support the ministry of the church and free up the Elders to the teaching and ministry of the church. (Acts:6:1-7)

Jessica Mangal - Kids Director

Jessica Mangal
Church Administrator
Kids Director


Andrew Akers

Kimberly Bangle

Eddie Cuevas

Tania Cuevas

Joey Flores

Katherine Flores

Courtney Franklin

Bob Mcroy