How should we prepare for Christmas as it quickly approaches? Hear Pastor Kevin's encouragement and recommendation on how to not miss the joy of Advent in his sermon, JOYFUL PREPPERS.
Mark made a bold claim in the very first line of his gospel. It's a claim that once you see and believe it, you cannot help but see in every…
In a culture that praises self-reliance with the ultimate goal of comfort, how do we live a life of humility and rectify that living faithfully doesn't absolve us from earthly…
Of all the things that come to mind when you think of leadership, does humilty make a showing? It should mark the leadership of those entrusted with shepherding Christ's church.…
The suffering we face as Christians is not just meant to be endured. It is meant to be a refinement that lead us to ever increasing joy! Explore 1 Peter…
Peter called us to do one thing above all else. What was it, and what will it lead to? Explore these questions in Pastor Kevin's message, THE END IS NEAR.
We can often view the same thing in different ways. Peter's letter continues with acknowledging this and calling for believers to view life–and suffering– with the view Jesus has provided.…
Is our hope worth the cost? When we are faced with doubt and fear, how can we respond? This week, we look at Christ's example and the source of our…
God truly loves us, and if we truly love Him we will love each other and our neighbor. Explore how Peter made this point in his letter and hear Pastor…
The more the Lord is at the center of our marriage, the more beautiful it will be.