Our future hope in the coming King empowers us to live out His kingdom in the here and now. There is a present power in our future hope.
Fellowship cost the early church dearly, but it was a price they gladly paid! Generosity is a telling mark of someone following Jesus. Explore the Bible's teaching on generosity in…
The early church was in awe. Are we? What should we be in awe of? Pastor Kevin's message, To Worship, explores these questions.
The early church devoted themselves to prayer, but we often struggle tremendously with doing so. Why is that? Pastor Kevin's message, To Prayer, explores some of the primary reasons we…
What do we learn from the early church devoting themselves to the breaking of bread? Explore the need for such a devotion today as a church in Pastor Kevin's message,…
Christian fellowship is very different than how the world views fellowship. In "koinonia", the Greek word for fellowship, we share in the cross and resurrection of Christ and hold that…
The early church in Acts devoted themselves to the apostles' teachings. What does it look like for us to do the same? What effect will it have on us to…
Bible Text: Acts 28:11-28 | Speaker: Kevin Franklin | Series: Be My Witnesses: A Study of Acts | The family unit is foundational to humanity, and the gospel brings us…
Bible Text: Acts 25:23-26:32 | Speaker: Kevin Franklin | Series: Be My Witnesses: A Study of Acts | When do we get a window into what our heartbeat truly is?…
Bible Text: Acts 22:30-23:11 | Speaker: Kevin Franklin | Series: Be My Witnesses: A Study of Acts | Does the fact that God is in complete control and knows absolutely…