The arrival of Jesus brought great joy to some, but also great turmoil to others. Consider the different responses of the magi and Herod in Pastor Kevin's message, THE GIVE…
This week explores the theme of peace as we continue in Advent. How does the coming of the Son of God secure peace for us? Listen here to Pastor Kevin's…
Advent kicks off with a focus on hope. Is not having hope our greatet problem, or is it misplaced hope? Explore why we have a hope that will not fail…
How do we pray today? What did Jesus say about how we should offer our prayers to God? Pastor Chris' message, The Lord's Prayer, looks at the words of the…
As we look once more at the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water for Connect Sunday, we ask a couple questions: what were the other disciples doing in…
Peter was the disciple who took the lead, climbing out of the boat when no one else moved. As followers of Jesus commissioned with the task of discipling others, we…
Peter walked on water with Jesus! And then he started sinking. Is walking on water worth the risk of sinking? How do we accept risk in following Jesus? Explore these…
Essential to being the church is being together. On Connect Sunday, we want to see the beauty of what Jesus is building as He fulfills His promise to build His…
What do you treasure most? What do your daily decisions say you treasure? How does money help show us this? Visit our YouTube channel or podcasts to explore these questions…
Bible Text: Matthew 28:1-10 | Speaker: Kevin Franklin | Series: Finding the Kingdom: The Gospel of Matthew | The promise of Easter goes beyond just the the empty grave of…