The salvation Jesus came to secure for His people required blood to be shed. Why? Explore the need for this is Pastor Kevin's Good Friday message, HIS BLOOD BE ON…
Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem was marked by stark contrasts. He used parabolic language of sheep and goats in contrast to teach on His return to the city that is…
In our culture of abaundance and indulgance, it is not hard to waste things. That includes our very lives. Jesus told two parables meant to help us see and live…
Being underdressed at something as significant as a wedding is no small ordeal. Why did Jesus tell a story about a wedding feast that was avoided by many who were…
Sometimes intentional things have unintentional consequences, and sometimes things that may have appeared to have been unintentional actually were. Jesus wanted the Pharisees to understand this as He told them…
How can we tell who the real Christians are? In Jesus' kingdom, our actions should reveal who our authority is. Listen to Pastor Chris' message on Jesus' words to the…
What did Jesus mean by saying the first would be last and the last would be first? Pastor Kevin's message, THE CURRENCY OF THE KINGDOM, explores how Jesus taught the…
Jesus taught about mercy and forgiveness through the parable of the unforgiving servant. In this teaching, we learn how we can be people of mercy and forgiveness. Listen to Pastor…
Using yet another parable to illustrate what the kingdom of heaven is like, Jesus was quite direct about the reality of hell. Is hell unjust? Is God unjust? Explore what…
Jesus showed us the unparalleled worth of the kingdom of heaven in his parables of the treasure hidden in the field and the pearl of great price. Explore what this…