Jesus showed us the unparalleled worth of the kingdom of heaven in his parables of the treasure hidden in the field and the pearl of great price. Explore what this…
Jesus used a parable about leaven and flour to illustrate a lot about the kingdom of heaven. Explore the transformative way of the kingdom in Pastor Kevin's message, LEAVEN LEAVENS.
Jesus taught about the kingdom of heaven with a parable of a mustard seed. What was his point? Explore how this would have been much more shocking to His audience…
Jesus often taught in parables. Why would He do that, and what in the world did He mean by referring to all of us as different grounds for receiving seed?…
Why did Jesus come? Advent reminds us we are loved. Celebrate and ponder Chistmas in Pastor Kevin's message, LOVE IS WHY.
The arrival of Jesus brought great joy to some, but also great turmoil to others. Consider the different responses of the magi and Herod in Pastor Kevin's message, THE GIVE…
This week explores the theme of peace as we continue in Advent. How does the coming of the Son of God secure peace for us? Listen here to Pastor Kevin's…
Advent kicks off with a focus on hope. Is not having hope our greatet problem, or is it misplaced hope? Explore why we have a hope that will not fail…
Reconciliation is at the heart of Paul's letter to Philemon. Reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel – we've been given life. What will we now do with it?…
Why didn't Paul just explicity call slavery evil? Does the Bible support or justify slavery? Explore Paul's strategy for undoing the evil of the institution in Pastor Kevin's message, STRATEGIC…