The start of Paul's prayer in Philemon teaches us a lot about prayer. Pastor Kevin's message, THE PLACE OF PRAYER, explores how prayer comes from a reality to create a…
The gospel shifts our hearts from "I'm not my brother's keeper" to "My brother is a keeper." Explore what the greeting in Philemon teaches us about relating to each other…
As we look once more at the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water for Connect Sunday, we ask a couple questions: what were the other disciples doing in…
Peter was the disciple who took the lead, climbing out of the boat when no one else moved. As followers of Jesus commissioned with the task of discipling others, we…
Peter walked on water with Jesus! And then he started sinking. Is walking on water worth the risk of sinking? How do we accept risk in following Jesus? Explore these…
Joseph's story ends brilliantly with God reversing so much of what appeared to be continual brokenness. Can you believe that God sovereignly uses even evil for good? Explore the conclusion…
We can often relate to the dramatic ups and downs of Joseph's life. It leaves us wondering, is anyone in control? Am I forgotten? Explore what Scripture teaches us in…
Jacob's life, like his name foretold, was marked by wrestling. God changed that in an odd wrestling match where Jacob came out limping and beating a new name. Explore this…
God promised a man named Abram that he would produce a nation. This was odd, given that Abram and his wife were unable to have children. But he believed God…
Did God really regret making mankind? Did He really kill countless with a flood? And what's with the rainbow? Explore the story of Noah in Pastor Kevin's message, THE GENERATION…