The crucifixion account includes three taunts at the dying Savior. How did Jesus respond, and what does that tell us about the nature and intent of His death? Visit our…
Clothes were thrown down to make a saddle and roadway for the King as praises were raised in joyous celebration, yet tears fell from the King's face that day. Why…
Are you worried? Anxious? Jesus told us not to be, but how can we not? Visit our YouTube channel or podcast to hear Pastor Kevin's message, DON'T WORRY, JUST BE…
Does prayer work? Is there a particular way I am supposed to pray? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a reason I should keep praying, or even start? Visit…
Not only are we supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves, but we are even supposed to love our enemies! How in the world can we possibly do that? Visit…
What does it look like to follow Jesus? Obey His teachings. In His teachings, He gave some a promised blessing and others a warning. Where do you land in that?…
Jesus is a better fish finder than you. He found you, right? And then He invited you to follow Him, finding others. For Child Dedication Sunday, visit our YouTube Channel…
So can we see Jesus for who he really is? Can we share with the world who Jesus really is? Jesus didn't come to give us what we deserve, but…
In this life, we often find ourselves bound by things we want to be freed from. Like the woman bound by Satan for 18 years you need to know: Jesus…
Jesus' home town tried to hurl Him off a cliff! Why? Because we often don't realize what we truly want or need in making demands and requests of God. Visit…